Environmental, Health and Safety Policy

King Slide Group is committed to following environmental laws and international standards when performing business activities. In addition to water, energy and resource conservation, King Slide strives to meet its annual waste reduction target, protect the environment and achieve environmental sustainability. The company has a dedicated environmental management unit to maintain environmental management related systems, and regularly organizes environmental education and training courses for management and employees. All of the company’s production activities have obtained certification for ISO 14001 environmental management system and IECQ QC080000 hazardous substance process management system.

We strictly follow domestic occupational safety and health related laws and regulations, and actively establish a safe and healthy working environment. 100% of our manufacturing activities have received ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system certification. With the goal of zero occupational accidents, King Slide aims to create a safe and comfortable working environment to promote the health and well-being of employees.

Waste and Cost Reduction

Efficient Resource Utilization
Green Products

Environment Protection
Risk Management

Casualty Prevention
Regulation Compliance

Continuous Improvement

The Company adheres strictly to the following guidelines in developing its environmental, safety and health management system.
The Company adheres strictly to the following guidelines in developing its environmental, safety and health management system.
Adopt clean production technology to enable efficient use of resources, while fulfilling our commitments to industrial waste reduction and pollution prevention.
Commit to the development of green products, King Slide considers the concepts of "easily recyclable, low pollution, resource and energy conservation" at the initial product design stage in order to reduce the potential environmental impact of future products.
Arrange appropriate training and communication channels to disseminate The Company’s “environment, safety and health" policy, measures and other requirements, to employees, contract manufacturers, subcontractors and other stakeholders, in order to promote awareness of environmental safety and personal EHS responsibility.
Comply with environmental laws, Labor Safety and Health Act, and other requirements. The Company consistently maintain “ISO 45001 environmental and occupational safety and health management systems”, which effectively control environment, health and safety risks, prevent accidents and create a safe and comfortable working environment to promote employee health and well-being.
【King Slide Works Co., Ltd.】
 ISO 14001 : 2015
Issuing office : DNV
Valid : 2024/09/24 ~ 2026/09/23
Initial certificate date : 1999/09/23
Certificate No : 1439-1999-AE-RGC-RvA
【King Slide Technology Co., Ltd.】
 ISO 14001 : 2015
Issuing office : DNV
Valid : 2024/09/24 ~ 2026/09/23
Initial certificate date : 1999/09/23
Certificate No : 1439CC1-1999-AE-RGC-RvA
【King Slide Works Co., Ltd.】
 ISO 45001 : 2018
Issuing office : DNV
Valid : 2023/09/27 ~ 2026/09/26
Initial certificate date : 2009/01/16
Certificate No : 244933-2017-ASA-RGC-RvA
【King Slide Technology Co., Ltd.】
 ISO 45001 : 2018
Issuing office : DNV
Valid : 2023/09/27 ~ 2026/09/26
Initial certificate date : 2009/01/16
Certificate No : 244933CC1-2017-ASA-RGC-RvA