The Chairperson reviews, coordinates, integrates and makes decisions about all RBA and CSR related issues. She presides over meetings and provides all the necessary resources to perform CSR and RBA-related tasks.
Deputy Chairperson and Management Representative
Deputy Chairperson is responsible for establishing, implementing and maintaining the RBA handbook. He shall strive to promote The Company’s performance in corporate social responsibilities by improving The Company’s management system in order to balance the interests and meet the expectations and requirements of all stakeholders.
Executive Secretary
Under the instructions of the chairperson and deputy chairperson, the Executive Secretary is responsible for meeting agendas, records, coordinating resolutions, assisting in the promotion of various affairs, and communication with external stakeholders.
Labor Management is convened by the head of the human resource department. In compliance with the international standards of social responsibility, The Company promises to respect its employees and protect their human right. The company established a management system that adheres to the RBA standards and strives to provide continuous improvement that enhances employee welfare.
Health and Safety
Health and Safety Management is convened by the OHSAS 18001 management representative of The Company. The Company acknowledges the importance of a safe and hygienic working environment in improving the well-being of our employees, the production process, as well as the quality of products and services. The Company continues to invest in employee training that helps in identifying workplace health and safety issues and established a management system that adheres to the RBA standards and strives for continuous improvement in processes that guarantee the safety and health of our employees.
Environmental Management is convened by the ISO14001 management representative of The Company. We acknowledge our environmental responsibility in producing world-class products and strive to fulfil green manufacturing and environmental protection. The management system adheres to the RBA standards and the latest environmental regulations to foster continuous improvement in achieving environmental sustainability.
Ethical management is convened by the head of the audit office. It ensures The Company adheres to the highest standards of ethics, performs social responsibilities and complies to regulations.